Best Stay Dumb
I heard the heavens call but didn’t go
I saw shooting stars fall but didn’t know
I watched the wings beat time to distant drum
I swam with fish sublime but floated numb
I kissed the sky so tall with earthly sighs
I felt my faint heart stall instead of rise
I read beyond the line then turned the page
I tasted wine so fine but burned with rage
I wrote words that enthral no friend of mine
I sang to fretful squall that snored divine
I soared on smiles so small with worldly-wise
I cursed the cloud’s dark pall while in disguise
I cried out for a rhyme to ghosts below
I tried to crawl through grime and climb in snow
I prayed to poets all who didn’t come
I finally recall it’s best stay dumb
© Sab Will 2022