Mystic Rhythms Poetry ~ 2021

~ Black Eyed Love ~

by Sab Will

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Black Eyed Love

So big it fills the world like an atom bomb
So small it sits in the crook of a note she sings
So dark it swallows the sun and neighbouring stars
So light it rides on diaphanous dragonfly wings


So deep it drowns out hope in a sea of screams
So near you focus only with rose coloured specs
So far you despair a rocket won’t get you there
So good it tastes like vintage malt extract sex


So bad you’d batter your pet hamster on a whim
So loud you hear nothing else of a blitzkrieg night
So low you can’t catch it over the shadows’ sighs
So high its emergency ladder climbs out of sight
So what, my pied dove?


© Sab Will 2021

