Words Wielding Questions Drop
initially without
Capital importance
Between words
Pointless direction
Anointing nonsense
Adorning smiles
Massaging meaning
Misplaced commas
Rent, astray
So many markers
Line our way
Benign torch bearers
We are words
Devoid of syntax
Serving sentences
Intoning life by rote
Paragraph breaks
And pregnant pauses
Spell light relief
From claustrophobic
Clauses of note
In the inexorable
Melodramatic trudge
Past wily pendants
Exclamation points
Presently dripped
In crimson sludge
Mouthing closed
Marking passing time
Pending future review
Until the ultimate
Inevitable, unenviable
Somehow superfluous yet
Truly dauntingly
Ineffaceable final
Ineffable tautologically
Taunting full stop
© Sab Will 2018