Le Gros Malin
Le Gros Malin
Stops trains by power
Of mind alone
Le Gros Malin
Reads magazines
On Sharon Stone
Le Gros Malin
Keeps sly seats warm
For hours long
Le Gros Malin
Can snooze right through
The metro’s song
Le Gros Malin
Wears funny shirts
To make you ache
Le Gros Malin’s
Head’s given up
On staying awake
Le Gros Malin
Has let his mag
Slip to the floor
Le Gros Malin
Just can’t take reading
Any more
Le Gros Malin
Lets trains pass by
Like grumbling ghosts
Le Gros Malin
Is quite at home
Among his hosts
© Sab Will 2012
*In French, a ‘gros malin’ is, roughly, someone who tries hard to be clever or cunning but actually fails miserably… the guy in this photo is wearing a T-shirt with a play on the name of a home improvement store, Leroy Merlin. He’s also a little ‘gros’…