If We Never Meet Again
I’ll tell your friends that you were great
If we never meet again
I’ll drink Chinese tea from a plate
If we never meet again
I’ll paint strange exhibitions red
With silent laughter and regret
If our last time was the last time
And we never meet again
If we never meet again
I’ll stand on stupid bridges, starkly
If we never meet again
I’ll glower at darkening skies, darkly
If the last time was the last time
I’ll eat Greek and I’ll dance blind
And sink whiskey and chase the blood clots
Round the remnants of my mind
I’ll part these cheesy seas in spite
I’ll think of poetry too late
And if we never meet again
I’ll have something I can relate
The girl who said “yes, yes; no, no”
With sleepy eyes that went stop-go
And if we never meet again
I’ll sell the Swiss bidders the Seine
And trade our tower to the Japs
In one final fucked-up relapse
If the last time was the last time
And we never meet again
© Sab Will 2003