Given The Choice
And I gazed at my feet
As she showed me my seat,
Look, I said,
I’d rather face forward.
See the hills rushing up,
Not the world in a cup,
Call it odd,
I’d rather face out.
So you think, then she said,
Said she then, if you bled,
That you’d lose
More than you’ve lost?
I’m not sure about that,
Said I then, said I flat,
But to try
Would be
More than I am.
Don’t you think what you know
Might just soften the blow
If you looked back
To see
What it is?
Lead me lazy in lace,
Shake me now, up the pace
Only don’t force
Me into
The past.
There are those who can cope
With a dose of no hope
But for me,
I’d rather face forward.
© Sab Will 1998