I’ve Come To Give You My Problems
I’ve come to give you my problems
Coz I just can’t take any more
You’ve been a good friend
You’ve helped in the past
So I’ve come to give you my problems
I’ve come to give you my problems
Coz they’re really dragging me down
I know that you tend to
Tidy on Sundays
Sweep them away with the dust
A smile and a nod
A hand on my arm
Do you think you could do that for me?
I’ve come to give you my problems
They’re here in this bag with some books
And a CD I thought
We could listen to
As we plan where to tuck them away
I’m sorry I had
To come here like this
Just to give you my problems
I’ve come to give you my problems
I thought you could use them somewhere
Paper over some cracks
Or sort out that wobbly
Table for once and for all
Shove them under the sink
Or up on the shelf
Next to the marmite and stuff
I’ve come here to give you my problems
I know that you know what to do
Bawl from the balcony
Crush underfoot
And pick a tomato instead
Listen to lyrics, smoke
Talk for a while
I’ve come to give you my problems
There’s plenty for both of us
We’ve got what we need
Let’s let ourselves bleed
In this easy and heavenly peace
Your hand reaches out
Your half-smile is true
So I’ve come to give you my problems
© Sab Will 2002