Shadow Weaver
Shadow Weaver I
I hide you from the cruel fire
Of those who seek to kill desire.
I fly you when Morpheus calls,
And fills your thoughts as night time falls.
I blind your gaze from vicious fools,
Who gasping fade, while hatred cools.
And finally, with pride reveal,
The land you love, the ones who heal.
Shadow Weaver II
(Olive Rising)
I hide you from the cruel fire
Of those who seek to kill desire.
You are the heart in an Olive chest
That beats in rhythm to love’s sleepy rest.
I fly you when Morpheus calls,
And fills your thoughts as night time falls.
You are the wings on Olive lips
You cannot resist with your fingertips.
I blind your gaze from vicious fools,
Who gasping fade, while hatred cools.
You are the thing an Olive sees
You are the air your Olive breathes.
And finally, with pride reveal,
The land you love, the ones who heal.
You are at last in Olive arms
Staying safe, in love, and warm.
(by Grim – Sab – interleaved with Magpie)
© Sab Will 2001