Don’t Bring Me Down
I’m happy happy happy,
I want to scream out loud.
My printer just went haywire
An’ I’m floating on a cloud.
Coffee on the keyboard
But I’m laughing long and proud,
Don’t bring me Down.
Caught a nasty virus,
Gave it to me mates 😉
Scanner’s all screwed up again;
Scans come to he who waits (and waits… and waits…)
Crashed my bloody hard disc,
Blame ol’ Billy Gates,
Don’t bring me Down.
Screen’s just gone completely blank;
Think I’ll go an’ drown?
Modem’s slower than snail-mail:
Hey, I ain’t no clown.
E-mails lost for fourteen days:
Not even a frown.
Don’t bring me Down.
© Sab Will 1999