For Eric
Twitter twitter, cheep cheep
Eric’s on the ledge
Beak against the bars now
Teet’ring on the edge
Sun too fierce
And the light too strong
Can’t seem to shake out
Right from wrong
Up hops a Scarecrow
Sticks out a straw
`Grab a ride with me, lad
Here, gimmie a claw
We’ll fly the fields together,
I’ll sketch you skies so pure
Then I’ll take you to my Muddy patch
To cool our stakes for sure.’
Chatter chatter, tweep tweep
Eric’s peeking out
Swallows looking sweet today
Makes him wanna shout
Sun so high
And the light blinding
Can’t seem to focus
As the church bells ring
Up strolls the Farmer
Chewing on a twig
Never seen his Eric
Looking quite so big
Now’s the time to fly, boy,
Today’s the day to say:
`I’ve had enough of rusty bars –
I’m gonna seize the day!’
Chipper chipper, peep peep
Eric takes a plunge
Flutter-stutters, moans an’ mutters
Makes a final lunge
Sun just winks
And the light just sighs
Can’t seem to joke
As the feathers rise
Up pops an olive tree
Waiting for the day
When some small soul will make her whole
By stopping on his way
And clutching tiny golden claws
Around her limbs so true
Looks all about and lets it out:
`I will remember you!’
Chirp chirp, tweet tweet
Smiling in the shade
Eric the canary
Drinking lemonade
Sunshine chases
And the light gives in
Can’t seem to take out
What’s deep within
( …alcoholism)
© Sab Will 1999